ASKARIDIS SHOES is a family business working in the shoe market since 1932.

The first branch was established on Solomou streen in 1952. The next branch -"Special"- created in 1962 on Venizelou street was the fountain of the shoe business in Thessaloniki at the 60s.

In 1982 the next generation starts evolving in the same business by creating the first branch on Agias Theodoras. Since then ASKARIDIS shoes has employed more than 50 people and developed in various markets inside and outside Thessaloniki.

ASKARIDIS family has worked in all stages of shoe production and cooperated with almost all popular designers. Also it is one of the last shoe business families of northern Greece. It is still operating in the shoe market, because of the experience and love this family has developed for the art of shoes.

4 stores in Greece

+30 2310 233-995