In 1945, a thirteen-year-old boy, Chasoulakis Antonis enters the pastry world for the first time. Starting at a very young age he manages, with his passion, ”meraki” and his love for the confectionery, to be a pastry chef assistant. So in 1950, as an adult, he gets a job as a pastry technician in Chrysoupoli, Kavala. He creates the sweet delights of that time like candies, sweet kok, nougat gateau and fruit preserves.

In 1962, due to the current conditions, Antonis Chasoulakis takes the decision to emigrate to Sweeden. Of course his love and “meraki” for confectionery still exist. So, he continues working and having pastry making as his second job. In 1970 he decides to return to Greece,where he partners up to open his first pastry shop in Kavala.

Today the next generation is in charge of “Xasoulakis” pastry shop. His son, Kostas Chasoulakis, with the same “meraki”, the same recipes but with more updated equipment goes on making crunchy korne, fluffy rox and traditional kantaifi. By his side is his son, Antonis Chasoulakis, who deals with pastry making and creates sweet delights with the same pleasure that his great love, Confectionery, offers him.

In the pastry workshop “Xasoulakis” we keep on following the successful recipes of Antonis Chasoulakis, which you have loved, and also producing tasty goods that are based on fresh ingredients of the highest quality.

In our store you can buy our fresh products. Moreover you have the opportunity to order sweets like cakes according to your taste. We are always available to discuss your own needs.

2 pastry shops in Kavala

+30 2510 223-814