About 25 km east of Heraklion, Piskopiano is a small village (pop. 450) just a kilometer inland from Chersonissos. It is the middle village of 3 inland villages above Chersonissos, the other 2 being Ano (upper) Chersonissos to the west, and Koutouloufari to the east. The village, situated 100 meters above sea level on the lower slopes of Mt. Harakas, offers a wonderful panoramic view of the surrounding area, and the Sea of Crete.

Being the smallest of the 3 upper villages, if there is something in Piskopiano that you can't find, a certain type of restaurant of taverna, for example, Ano Chersonissos is just a couple hundred meter walk to the west, and Koutouloufari is about 5 minutes' walk to the east. Both walks are pleasant and scenic, and no hardship at all.

Piskopiano's greatest attributes are its view, and its peace and quiet. Another plus is that accommodations can be had their slightly cheaper because of its inland location, and its small size.